Economic Development
The Main and Market Street business community must be able to expand and economically thrive. Our waterfront needs to be redevelop to incorporate thriving businesses, restaurants and places for families to enjoy the Arts and other creative and fun activities. A healthy and robust local economy would allow more residents the opportunity to find meaningful and gainful employment. The City of Poughkeepsie businesses go far beyond benefitting the large business owners. Small businesses are key to creating a larger tax-base through which the city can fund important city services and community-based initiatives.
Due to the pandemic and lack of business investments on upper Main Street and in a few business areas, the economic downturn has left some of the business community in need of assistance. We must listen to the needs of small businesses and workers alike in order to ensure that our local economy will work for everybody. As the 5th Ward Council member, I have assisted some businesses with addressing public safety concerns and acquiring assistance with City Administration and other resources in order to operate efficiently. I also worked with my colleagues and City Administration on creating development options for our Waterfront and ways to improve our Main Street corridor.
As Mayor, my Administration will become strong advocates for the small business community, especially our Latinx business owners who have been struggling in our Main Street corridor, so they can participate and thrive in the prosperity and economic benefits in the City of Poughkeepsie.
The goal is to see redevelopment in our city’s Main Street corridor and on our waterfront that sparks new energy and brings forth more economic growth.
As Mayor of the City of Poughkeepsie, I will:
- Increase dialogue between the business community and city government in order to utilize our city, county, and state economic development programs and services to attract businesses and create jobs.
- Invest in skill building and career pathway programs aimed at preparing and training city residents, especially women and people of color, with the knowledge and resources they need to find meaningful employment and start their own businesses.
- Collaborate with our colleges and educational partners to help create and provide business development and technical assistance in the form of workshops, seminars, and various grants for workforce development, and coordinate with the business community partners doing similar work in business expansion and creation.